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Fartlek - Don't worry the workout won't stink!

The word Fartlek which means "Speedplay" is Swedish and is a method of training that incorporates periods of fast running on a distance run. This week we will be running a variety of Fartlek type runs within our workout. This is a training method I've used for years and incorporated in a lot of track and cross country workouts for the teams I have coached. Often within our runs or races, the pace we run is fairly consistent. This is a good idea for longer races or training runs, but when we are training or racing at shorter distances it can be beneficial to vary pace during a run. This allows you to push yourself to faster times and be more competitive against other runners.

So we will again go through our dynamic stretching routine. Next we'll break into groups of 5-10 runners of similar ability. After a short (about 1 mile) warm-up run with your group, we will take turns leading different types of fartlek runs. Groups can do fartlek type of run for 1-3 minutes followed by 1 minute rest pace and then switch leads. Some ideas for the faster portion are:

- indian runs (single file line, last person fast to the front)

- continuous hills

- tempo pace (3 minutes)

- fast pace pace (1 minute)

- grass running

We will meet in Washington Park by the playground but this may be our last week for a while in the park as we will likely move to the SHG track next week. When the weather is too warm for the track we may take to the roads or head back to Washington Park (1 mile from SHG).

Please encourage others to come and if you've been thinking about coming but haven't come, join in the fun. The group is very welcoming and runners of all abilities are welcome. Hope to see you all there.

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