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Bonus Speed - #whygoslow

Had quite a few request to continue with some speed sessions for a bit so here you go. Wednesday we will meet at 6pm at Washinton Park Pavilion. After stretching, warm-up to Williams Boulevard and MacArthur. Maybe do the dynamic part of the stretching there. Then do 6-8 x 400m repeats (MacArthur to Walnut = 400m)

Additional Dad Humor:

What' Forrest Gump's Password? 1Forrest1

Did you hear about the guy who fell into the upholstery machine? He's recovered

Why does Snoop Dog always carry an umbrella? Fo' drizzle

What did one ocean say to the other? Nothing, they just waved

Why are elevator jokes so handy? They work on many levels

What do you call an illegally parked frog? Toad

Wanna hear a joke about paper? Never mind, it tearable!

I could add a joke about pizza, but its a little cheesy.

I like telling Dad jokes...sometimes he laughs.

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