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Intervals and pizza!

This week at speed we will be doing intervals on the roads followed by a get-together at the Owens’ house. We will meet at Town and Country Shopping Center on MacArthur Boulevard in the parking lot at 6pm. We will do our warmup stretching and then proceed to a road near Washington Park for the intervals.

For the get-together Kim and I will be providing pizzas and water. Feel free to bring anything else you’d like to drink, eat, or share. We live near Town and Country and will provide directions when we meet. Feel free to join us for speed and a fun evening after even if you haven’t been coming to speed.

Please leave a comment if you plan on attending.

By the way a single buddy of mine asked a girl he was interested in to meet him at the gym. Unfortunately she never showed up. He doesn’t think they’re going to work out.

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