The Mini Crown Challenge

What is the Mini Crown Challenge (MCC)?
The challenge is a series of THREE races:
· Women's Distance 2M or Parade Run 2M
· Abe's Amble 5K
· Frostbite Festival 2M
What are the rules?
In addition to being a current SRRC member and an Abe’s Army Participant or Leader you must also:
1. Complete Women's Distance 2M or Parade Run 2M
2. Complete Abe’s Amble 5K
3. Complete Frostbite Classic 2 Miler FOR THE FIRST TIME
If I have Triple Crowned before, I can do the Mini Challenge?
No….You already have a Triple Crown – no need for a mini!
If I ran the Frostbite 2 miler before, can I participate in the Mini Challenge?
No. We are keeping the requirements consistent with the Triple Crown. Therefore, if you have run Frostbite, you are ineligible for the Mini Challenge.
If I have not done the Frostbite 2 miler but I have done the longer distance of Frostbite, can I participate in the Mini Challenge?
The short answer - no. We came up with this challenge to encourage Abe’s Army 5K runners to challenge themselves and encourage them to continue running beyond Abe’s Army.
Is there a fee to sign up for the Mini Challenge and do I have to finish in a certain time frame?
There is no fee for signing up for the mini challenge. You are responsible for the race entry fees for Women's Distance or Parade Run and the Frostbite. The Mini Challenge does not have any finish time requirements but as for any race, you are subject to their minimum pace requirements. See the individual race website for their rules.
What happens if I have to drop out?
If you need to drop out let us know. If you drop out before Frostbite, you are still eligible to participate the following year.
Is there a deadline for signing up?
YES! The deadline to sign up for the Mini Challenge is October 20, 2025.
PLEASE NOTE: Any entries received AFTER October 20, 2025 will not be accepted.
Does participating in the Mini Challenge make me ineligible for Triple Crown?
NO! If anything, doing this challenge helps you prepare for the Triple Crown! For more information, please see the Triple Crown FAQ for the list of requirements for that program.
So, what are you waiting for? Grab a friend, your running shoes, and click on "register me" button!
~Holly Dahlquist, Coordinator