Women’s Distance Festival 2020 is a GO!
Springfield Park District has given us the green light to host WDF live on July 11, 2020! Ladies! Bring your mother, daughter, sister...
LPHM Cancellation FAQ
LPHM Cancellation FAQs Can the 13.1 mi be completed before April 1? Yes, we will accept verification for dates as early as March 1, 2020;...
Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon Canceled
We regret to inform you the LPHM is officially canceled. To comply with the County and State restrictions resulting from the COVID 19...
2RUN7 shop added new items for 2020
Go shopping with SRRC today! Taking pre-orders on hoodies and beanies now. Shirt color options will be coming soon! www.srrc.net/shop
50K Throw Down coming back for 2020!
Thank you to all the club members who participated in the inaugural 50K Throw Down! We got such great feedback, so we're bringing it...
Shoreline Classic Showdown
It’s the 30th anniversary for the Shoreline Classic 5k and 15k in Decatur, Illinois. The SRRC has been challenged by the Decatur,...
July 2019 News Briefs
The e-news from July has gone out! Check your email inboxes or click here to read it online. Calendar Highlights: 07.18.19 - Picnic in...
Don't Forget: Register for the Women's Distance Festival
Ladies, don't forget to sign up for the 40th annual Women's Distance Festival! What has already a great race will be even better this...
May 2019 - Club News Briefs
Thank you to everyone who came out to our inaugural Sunday Funday! Based on the feedback, I'm pretty sure we are required to do this...
April 2019 - Club News Briefs
So much going on now that the weather is changing! Spring social, Abe's Army, speed work, races.... Make sure you know what's happ