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We the runners...

of this Speedy group, in Order to form a more perfect runner, establish Speed, insure good Form, provide for the common skills needed to compete and persevere in our upcoming event established by the Springfield Road Runners.... Bla Bla Bla. Kim said I should come up with a good "Pre-Amble Workout" and I missed the "Workout" part and was trying to just pre-amble.

So anyway, I thought it would be nice to do some Indian Running (sorry Venu if this offends you in any way). Actually, Indian running is a technique where you run single file and the back person sprints to the front. The plan is to warm-up and break into groups of about 8 people. We will do 2-3 segments of about 10 minutes with breaks for water and recovery in between. This workout is nice because you control your passing pace so you can customize to your needs. The workout also enforces a lot of skills including pack running, passing, surging, and pacing. So let's get this done and get ready to race the Abe's Amble next weekend.

I couldn't come up with a good image so I figured everyone like puppies. Note: only the stick was harmed in the taking of this picture.

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